The Refugee Support Program (RSP) provides intensive case management to especially vulnerable New Americans. RSP caseworkers facilitate access to medical appointments, mental health support, medication management, appropriate housing, governmental benefits, community resources and cultural orientation education. The RSP works alongside New Americans to establish self-sufficiency and successful integration for up to two years.
Refugees, asylees, Cuban and Haitian entrants, Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants, victims of human trafficking and unaccompanied minors are eligible for enrollment. To qualify for services, RSP enrollees must have been in the USA for less than five years and belong to one of the following populations:
- Special needs
- Women at risk
- Medically vulnerable
- Single-parent households
- Seniors without an adequate family support system
- Youth and young adults without parents or permanent guardians who have spent an unusually long period in displaced situations
- Secondary migrants
Funding for this program is provided through the Preferred Communities grant, provided by the US Office of Refugee Resettlement, facilitated by Church World Service.